Dec 30, 2018
Bunkered down in the war room somewhere in the high desert of southern Idaho I am joined by Kevin Tarver and Mark Benedict where we discuss all things firearms and self defense training...gun of the year...firearms classes...and recent firearms innovations.
Dec 23, 2018
Bunkered down in the war room somewhere in the high desert of southern Idaho I am joined by Kevin Tarver and Mark Benedict where we discuss all things firearms and self defense training...tonight we discuss red flag laws, the shockwave, the Canik, gun buy backs, Christmas time and much more.
Dec 15, 2018
Its Friday night and once again the evening finds us bunkered down in the war room somewhere in the high desert of southern Idaho. Tonight I am joined by cohost Mark Benedict and Ryan Kelso owner and operator of ROK Custom Holsters. We question Ryan about his business and holsters. He makes some awesome gear and is...
Dec 9, 2018
Bunkered down in the war room somewhere in the high desert of southern Idaho I am joined by Kevin Tarver and Mark Benedict where we discuss all things firearms and self defense training...tonights topics are training classes...the TSA and how not to be an idiot...the liberal anti gun machine...California legislation...
Dec 1, 2018
Tonight I am joined by Kevin Tarver..We are recording a day early because of previous Christmas commitments..Tonight we discuss the dangers of running..situational awareness..2A Politics..the dangers of Walmarts meat Dept..the gan safety rules are there a reason..and stupid training videos..I will include a...