Apr 29, 2018
PD10...where are you?
We also have 3 calls.... Phil Stute (called twice) and Burke Anderson
You can add anything else that you want to....I promise tech will be better today...I hope....lol
Lots of requests for Dean to be stoned again....lol....
Call the...
Apr 23, 2018
Dean and Mark join me
Motorcycle carry
Foreign Nationals
NYC carry a pay to play
Dicks Sporting goods to destroy guns
Drugs and podcasting don't mix
call in to the Podcast hotline with a story comment or question
email patriotdefense13@yahoo.com
share us with your friends..
this show had some meat in it...
Apr 15, 2018
Mark is filling in for Dean today
London bans knives
Mini baseball bats to protect teachers
Is the PD10 really getting closer?
Kanik...who has one and do they like it
1000 round submission keep them coming
Apr 8, 2018
Holster review
2A activities
City council semi auto ban
Hotline call in
2A vehicle stickers
Class shenanigans
Shooting to kill is premeditated murder...shoot to stop the
1000rd shooting
Ladies class...will they all back out?
Discuss Glock commercial
Auger falls situation (story)
Apr 1, 2018
Mark Benedict filling in for Dean
Ladies day at the range
Another win for the .380 EZ
Women’s class 3 days series....filled up fast
Vp9 Sk
Staff Sergeant James Bolish Fort Drum...Fort Drum...50cal to the
leg...amputated...Walter reed...send prayers
New holster so far so good
wheres my stickers!!!
Ammo stickers