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The Patriot Defense Podcast

A place where friends gather to discuss firearms and all things 2A...sometimes its about serious tasks and sometimes it just 4 guys having a conversation

Sep 30, 2018

Listener Josh Toews joins us for the day

The new G45

Did we locate Nutnfancys G36?

Evil in a 14yr old

Other instructors business practices

Saturdays Enhanced permit class


Sep 23, 2018

Kevin Tarver joins me 

Moisin Nagants

What is Defensive Mindset?

and there is always another shooting

abilene shooting

Mantis X

Sep 17, 2018

Mark and Dean me on the war room today

we talk about guns and what we each would buy if we could within reason

we discuss a call in self defense story from Josh

we talk the upcoming shot show and a .500 smith


Sep 9, 2018

Mark And Tarver joins us today

PD10...Canik 9MM...Wheres my shot show invite???...Prison talk with Tarver...what makes a good holster and gun guys vs the average Joe

Sep 2, 2018

Kevin Tarver joins me today
we talk about shooting and the importance of continuing to shoot
cowboys guns and prison guards

A little show after and little bit of shooting